Is gynecomastia ruining your marriage?

Getting Started

The emotional trauma that gynecomastia brings on a person is the biggest health threat. In most cases, the condition it’s only aesthetic, with no further medical developments. However, it can cause low self-esteem, social alienation and often depression.  

Men often feel “less of a man”, since they have what is considered a “feminine feature”, so they try to hide it at all costs. This makes social and intimate situations an impossible task.  

If you suffer from it, you know that feeling – your only mission is to keep a lose shirt on and avoid anyone from coming close. You’ve probably given up on going to the beach, doing sport events in fright of the locker room situations and your only goal when dressing up is to cover up.  

In this DailyMail article, former TV presenter Bill Buckley describes his terrifying experience of going shirtless on live television with his man boobs, and the hate he received from viewers afterwards.

Is Gynecomastia ruining your marriage?

Whilst some men that suffer with gynecomastia are able to cope with the social situations, they are still subject to another traumatic effect of the condition – being unable to be intimate with their significant other.  

On a forum thread, patients bring their questions about gynecomastia and marriage, and often use expressions such as “I have my body” or “I am a freak”. Most men admit that they avoid intimacy and some even results to wearing a shirt in those moments.  

If you’re dealing with gynecomastia, or your partner is, the most important element to get right is understanding that:  

  • the condition is not your fault
  • it’s 100% treatable
  • it’s okay to discuss it openly with your partner  

A lack of intimacy is one of the leading causes for disagreements and even divorce in marriages. That’s why patients with gynecomastia are put under an enormous emotional pressure to first deal with their medical condition and the effect in has on their life and marriage.

Dealing with gynecomastia as a couple

When couples discuss gynecomastia openly, it’s more likely that they will be proactive in seeking treatment. It’s important not to blame each other or make “gynecomastia” the one thing standing in between your happiness. Everything that you worry about could be treated within 2 hours, if you seek specialist care.

Discuss gynecomastia with a surgeon

If you, or your significant other, suffer from gynecomastia (also known as man boobs) book a free consultation with our surgeon and find out what treatment options are available. 

Bill Buckley described the feeling of seeing his chest after gynecomastia treatment as “euphoric”. He thinks that finding out about gynecomastia and that there were others suffering from the same was the best thing that happened to him, and the surgery completely turned his life around.  

Contact us to book a free gynecomastia consultation.

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Directly with Dr. Nurein

Contact us to find out more about our gynecomastia treatments, including a price estimate, available surgery dates and the option to book a free consultation directly with Dr. Nurein. You can book a free gynecomastia consultation in person with Dr Nurein, at our clinics in London and Sheffield, or an initial video consultation.